Call Us today to sell buy here pay here notes
- 615-414-6708
Sell Auto Portfolio
Sell your auto portfolio and generate quick cash for your business.

BHPH Portfolio Buyers
Get offers from multiple BHPH Portfolio Buyers. Ensuring you are getting the top price available in today’s marketplace.

Auto Note Buyers
Auto Note Buyers compete for your business. Every dealer wants to be sure they get the most for their BHPH accounts. that’s our job making sure you get the top prices for your auto portfolio.

Buy Here Pay Here Bulk Purchase
A Buy Here Pay Here Bulk Purchase transaction is commonly used in the Buy Here, Pay Here Industry as a primary method of generating operating capital. A lot of dealers experience a cash flow shortage as they sell more inventory, especially during tax season.
Selling some of your accounts will allow you to profit quicker while reducing your portfolio exposure. Money today is more valuable than potential money tomorrow!

sell buy here pay here notes
How to Sell Buy Here Pay Here Notes.
- Call us at 615-414-6708
- Provide us the data on the accounts you would like to sell.
- We provide you with offers.
- Pick the offer that suits your needs.
- Send in your files for underwriting review.
- Get paid!

companies that buy buy here pay here notes
If you are searching for companies that buy “buy here pay here notes”. You have come to the right place. We represent multiple companies that are in the marketplace to purchase Buy Here Pay Here Notes from dealers. We have over 23 years of experience helping dealers sell buy here pay here notes.

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Give us a call to find out more.
- +1 615-414-6708